S J Seymour

Everyone is unique, but we are all infinitely more alike than we are different.

My site is meant to introduce you to my novels,
my opinions, and some investment advice. Soon I may write about genetic genealogy.


Violence Control: The Wider American Problem

Governor of New Jersey Wishes to Widen "Gun Control" Discussion to 

Governor Chris Christie, the Governor in my home state of New Jersey wants to widen, broaden, and deepen the topic of gun control. According to this article in the Daily Beast, he sees "Violence Control" as a three-part problem:

1) Violent video games could be a cause of shooting sprees.
2) Illegal drugs need to be regulated and controlled.
3) Mental-health needs to be monitored.

The article queries how:

"Christie’s new campaign pans out. As a practical matter, regulating which games people play, which drugs they ingest, and which mental-health tests they submit to may be even harder than regulating the size of the magazines in their Glocks."

While I think Governor Christie's "Violence Control" discussion is a lurch in the right direction, and I must give him credit points for trying, I have to wonder:

1) Can violent video games be regulated?

2) And didn't shooting sprees happen before video games were invented?

3) How can the war against illegal drugs be won? Illegal drugs have been around for generations now, and haven't gone away. Keeping the focus on police enforcement of illegal drugs can't hurt, I agree.

4) How can mental health professionals be responsible for predicting exactly who will be a mass shooter?

So many questions. So few answers. I still think it's best to focus on passing stricter gun control measures as soon as possible. For that, I give Democratic President Obama my highest praise. Banning weapons is certainly the quickest and single most important way to cut down on gun violence statistics.

UPDATE: Another fascinating statistic comes from an article in the New York Times:
"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 38,364 Americans lost that fight in 2010 and committed suicide; 19,392 used a gun."