S J Seymour

Everyone is unique, but we are all infinitely more alike than we are different.

My site is meant to introduce you to my novels,
my opinions, and some investment advice. Soon I may write about genetic genealogy.


Sunlight in the "Land of the Midnight Sun"

"We brought this artificial sun to Inuvik because we're benevolent" : Tropicana ad

 A new Tropicana fruit juice company advertisement and commercial in Inuvik, Canada, features a 15,000 pound helium balloon equipped with 47,000 to 70,000 watts of electricity. It was kept floating and intermittently lit for about two days, and cost about Can.D.$100 to light each minute.

I suppose the week long project was harmless and gave them a special memory of January 2010. Do you approve?  Inuvik is one of the first Arctic towns recently featured in Google Street Views. Here are related blog posts links within a fascinating blog "Inuvik photos" chronicling life in the Artic: